Update: now there’s an official Firefox extension! 😀
So, there’s no need to mess with this and manually make a button! I’ll leave the instructions anyways, because are useful for other bookmarklets
OneNote it’s a great Evernote alternative, but has two big problems for me:
- The Android app is slow and doesn’t run very smoothly
- There isn’t a “save on OneNote” button for Firefox
I solved the first problem with Do Note, for the second here’s the solution:
First of all, install Custom Buttons, the go on the addons setup page: you’ll find a new entry named “Custom Buttons”. Create a new button, and under “startup code” insert this
var link = “javascript:(function(){if(typeof%20OneNoteBookmarklet===’undefined’){window.clipperId=’ON-648444d0-04cf-4206-bf78-bb656ad9cfed’;var%20jsCode=document.createElement(‘script’);jsCode.setAttribute(‘src’,’https://www.onenote.com/Clipper/Root?NoAuth=1′);jsCode.setAttribute(‘id’,’oneNoteCaptureRootScript’);jsCode.setAttribute(‘type’,’text/javascript’);document.body.appendChild(jsCode);}})()”
this.leftclick = function(evt){
this.setAttribute( ‘onclick’, ‘gQuot( event, this )’ );
As icon, save this , then click on “Convert to Base64”, so you can delete it from your drive.