Codeanywhere – the review

I clicked on “free account”, I wrote an email and password and boom, already registred!

Once logged in it asked me which preinstalled “stack” I want to use, from:

  • PHP
  • Node.js
  • Ruby
  • Python
  • C++
  • HTML5

Or, I can just connect to my own VM via SSH.

For example, PHP says:

PHP Development Box on Ubuntu 14.04 with Apache, PHP, MySQL, phpMyAdmin and Composer preinstalled. 

Starting up is very quick, the virtual machine is created in a few seconds, and Apache is already listening on port 80.

In less than a minute I can publish online a php file.

It’s well integrated with GIT.

The only drawback is that everything is organized like “every project gets its own virtual machine”, with GIT and Apache set to work in the main directory.

Of course, since it’s a virtual machine, I can live without native integration, I configure Apache and git in my way via command line, but that’s not as comfortable as doing with a few clicks.

It can automatically save files, but it’s disabled by default, because the free version doesn’t keep the edit history: if you pay you can get the history, and that’s a nice feature for who doesn’t want to use GIT and prefers to save on Dropbox.

Another great thing is that the SSH public key of the virtual machine can be generated and copied with just one click on the username, so it’s very fit for git. About git, when I have a commit, I can’t select a single file, but it’s “all or nothing”. I think this is still because of the logic “every project gets its own virtual machine”, and this makes sense: why should I sign up to the Freelance edition and pay $7 monthly if the free version can easily allow me to manage an unlimited amount of projects? If I don’t pay I have to set and use apache/git/other tool from the command line. If I was to use this webapp everyday for work, the Freelance subscription would be a no-brainer. It’s so handy to have a perfectly “clean” virtual machine with the right tools and always available for every project?

If you register to Codeanywhere using my link:
you will receive $15 in free credit if you sign up for a paid subscription.

List of online developing environments

Now that there’s the “cloud mania”, there are dozens of websites that allow to code online without install any program on the local computer. That’s perfect for who, like me, uses 2 computers at work, 2 computers at home, and often uses someone else’s computer: the problem is that my free time is limited, but if I don’t have all the tools set up as I need, I can’t develop or continue a project.

In this way I could write something during lunch time break at work, continue it in my train commute, finishing at home.

The most promising online developing environments (cloud IDE) that I found are:

For me, the most important feature is native GIT support. It looks like that all those seven webapps have this feature.

First of all, I will try codeanywhere, because it looks like it’s the only one with an Android app, so, maybe, I can use it from my BlackBerry Z10.

Another “feature” is the price, because almost all my project aren’t generating profits, so I can’t pay big subscription fees. This is the reason I won’t even try Codio, because, if you don’t pay, after 30 days the workspaces become public.

Soon I will publish a review for Codeanywhere 😀

How to use a Resilio Sync code

Resilio Sync it’s a very good alternative to Dropbox or OneDrive, by allowing to share an unlimited amount of files, with any size.

It’s perfect for sharing photos of an event, because it allows you to choose a “read only mode”, so, there’s no risk that someone could delete public files or other.

How does it work? Who starts sharing sends a code like F1C85025ED5843DEA2B428B54A5B9992, which must be imported by who wants to gets the files.

I made a video to show where to insert the code:

More Arduino, more!

Ok, I’m getting addicted to this, after making interactive Xmas gifts with a Nokia 3310 LCD screen instead of the usual, boring greeting card (I’ll publish the video… one day), I searched the web for lots and lots of fun projects to make.

First, I found a better store than Dealextreme: Banggood.

Not only they have more stuff, it’s also cheaper! 😍

I ordered:

Only in Japan: color-shifting bras

E-ink screens are on the market from many years. They use less energy, and are quite flexible, so Triumph used them to make an innnovative bra that can change its color from white to black. Just activate the switch and BOOM, color change!

Enough with words, the video shows the action much better.

This is the “sisters” kit (姉妹 – Shimai) inspired from Frozen – where the elder one gets the 姉 (Ane, elder sister) and the younger gets the 妹 (Imouto, younger sister). When they’re nearby, BAM, the bra can change color.

This other video shows more:

Anyways, it looks like the screen is not flexible enough for the shape, they separated it in two halves and it still looks too hard. (Maybe that’s why they chose skinny models?)

Fonte: Kyodo News


Last week I was excited that Dealextreme opened a warehouse in Europe.

Browsing the website I saw that there are a lot of Arduino accessories, the DIY programmable electronic platform. I was about to buy a Raspberry Pi B+, but the idea of having a full fledged Linux system just for doing, for example, a simple temperature logging circuit, looked like a waste for me.

Seeing the many components, I got a lot of nice ideas to make, that obviously I’ll publish here, with circuits and source codes.

From the European warehouse I ordered:

  • An Arduino Nano (chinese clone, obviosly, since it costs just 7 euro)
  • A pair of breadboards to quickly do the circuit without using the solder. Moreover the Arduino Nano it’s designed to be put on a breadboard to easily access its contacts
  • A breadboard power supply to put on the breadboard, for having current on the rails more easily, without jumpers (1,60 euro!!)
  • A lot of random resistors
  • A lot of random LEDs (here I could save some money by scavenging them from old circuit boards, but I was lazy)
  • A lot of male jumpers for the breadboard (here I could save too, if I just bought some telephone cable, but for 2,48€, this is nicer)
  • A lot of female jumpers (2,06 €, I could take them from old electronic connectors)
  • temperature sensor. The DHT11 model costs less than half the price, but reading the datasheet, it gives the temperature with a 1 degree tolerance… it can’t be used to log reliably home temperatures. The one I chose, the DHT22, it’s still a cheap sensor that gives temperature with an half degree tolerance. I’ll just use it for see if my idea is feasible and then replace with a SHT15 (which, at $45, it’s not fit for experiments…)

Then I ordered more from the Chinese warehouse, for the simple reason that was cheaper – meanwhile I have to learn how to use the platform, so if they arrive after 2 months it’s still ok:

  • An Arduino Uno (still a chinese clone, because it sells for 5 euro)
  • A board with SD card reader and real time clock, designed to be placed over the Arduino Uno, for logging events.
  • mini breadboard that I’ll glue over the logging board, so I don’t have to mess with solder
  • A Nokia 3310 LCD display already soldered with a controller, ready for being used with the Arduino. Less than 3 euro, cool!
  • An USB voltmeter/amperometer to see if the output from my chinese USB power suppliers is right or not (maybe the circuit doesn’t work because it gets 4.5 volts instead of 5, for example)

I’m eager to get this stuff, to make something cool!

41 free apps on Amazon!!

If you have an Android phone probably you already heard of the Amazon Appstore and their free app of the day.

To be honest, when I had my T-Mobile myTouch 3G Slide, maybe due to the low memory available for apps, I tried it for a few days and then uninstalled it.

Now that I have a BlackBerry Z10, even if I can download apps from Google Play, I decided to try to find alternative ways to get apps and the Amazon Appstore looks perfect.

Yesterday night I open it to see what’s the free app of the day and I see that… the free apps, until tomorrow, are 41!!! So many!!

I stayed up until 2 am downloading apps 😂

Finally BB10 for the PlayBook!


Yes!!! It’s here!!! Finally, after one long year, BB10 for the PlayBook it’s here!!! Here are the new additions:

  • Runtime Android 4.2
  • USB Host and Dropbox/Box/Onedrive support
  • BB10 Keyboard
  • BBM
  • Cascades
  • + but still the same PlayBook design!!!

Quick, download it!!!

Update: this is an April’s fool. The BlackBerry PlayBook has been declared EOL and won’t get any more updates. Killed, will ever have this “half-baked” operating system. What a pity. 😢 But after more than 3 years, how we can pretend to get an update? Other brands stop giving updates after a few months…

Farewell to Bump

Did you use Bump? Did you like the idea to seamlessly transfer pics from Android to iOS by bimply “bumping” the phones? It was useful because for marketing reasons Apple allows bluetooth transfers of pictures only between iPhone 5 and higher. (iPhone 4 to iPhone 5 = FAIL, Rest of the world to iPhone 5 = FAIL)

Well, Bump has been acquired by Google and, this means it has to die. In the next days it will be retired from the market.


What a pity.