On my first article wrote on Dandandin in the 2009, I talked about the “new” 3D phones fron Japan. We never got them, we got an autosteroscopic 3D screen 2 years later with the Nintendo 3DS and only one smartphone, the HTC Evo 3D, which I never saw in stores.
The 3D mania,let companies create products like the 3DeeShell for the iPhone, but were commercial failures.
Now, it’s trendy to make waterproof phones, but while Sony says that’s better to don’t get their waterproof phones wet, Kyocera in Japan launches the DIGNO rafre, the first smartphone washable with warm soap.
See the ad:
The official page doesn’t go in deep detail over the specs, but tells us more details: foam-resistant, scratch-resistant, and so on